

Porn and Sexual Violence—10 Facts from the Experts

497 views July 28, 2020

Is there a correlation between porn and sexual violence? The evidence is clear. Consuming porn...


The Great Porn Experiment

187 views July 28, 2020

Learn more or download our e-book at : One of the big problems with...


Sexting—7 Facts Parents Need to Know

168 views July 28, 2020

When you combine a pornified culture with a texting generation, is it really any surprise that it...


Porn and Sex Trafficking—10 Facts from the Experts

271 views July 28, 2020

Sex trafficking: it’s a well-known injustice which affects millions of women and children around...


Is Naked Art a Form of Pornography?

662 views July 28, 2020

I'm often asked, "What's the difference between pornography and naked art?" Usually the person...


Internet Predators—5 Facts Parents Must Know

106 views July 28, 2020

Since the dawn of the World Wide Web, the Internet has been used for all kinds of purposes, some...


The Catholic Church and Pornography—4 Quick...

126 views July 28, 2020

In November 2015 the US Conference of Catholic Bishops approved a formal statement entitled,...


Sex Week—7 Weird Facts About an Odd College Trend

135 views July 28, 2020

A strange trend is hitting college campuses called Sex Week. On one occasion I was invited to...


How to Confess Your Porn Addiction to Your Spouse

241 views July 28, 2020

Don’t forget to pray. Ask God to prepare your spouse’s heart for your confession. Ask the Holy...


The Health Benefits of Masturbation

716 views July 28, 2020

Learn more at: I speak at a lot of conferences, and when I do, many...


Does Porn Impact the Brain

12,178 views May 06, 2020

Neuroscience is telling us more and more about how pornography interacts with the brain. More...


3 Reasons Anime Porn is Really Bad for You

4,889 views May 06, 2020

Today, there are a lot more people out there speaking out against pornography on the grounds that...