CE Podcast_212 - Jonathan Dougherty - BeBroken-HD

March 04, 2022 church, podcast
Jonathan Daugherty is the founder and president of Be Broken Ministries and founder of the Gateway to Freedom workshop for men. Jonathan also hosts the weekly podcast, Pure Sex Radio, and is in demand nationally as a speaker on sexual purity and men’s issues. He has appeared on The Oprah Show, twice on ABC's Nightline, as well as other radio and television media, both local and national. He has authored Grace-Based Recovery, The 4 Pillars of Purity, Secrets and other works.

Jonathan is married to Elaine and they have 3 adult children. His home is in San Antonio, TX.

Headshot is attached.

How to Prevent (and Respond to) Moral Failure in Church Leaders


Blog: The Christian Response to Moral Failure in Church Leaders
Book: Grace-Based Recovery
SILS: SexualIntegrityLeaders.com

Social Media


1. How big is the problem of porn and sexual brokenness among pastors and church leaders?
2. How are most American pastors and church leaders set up for moral failure and what are some steps that churches could take to correct this?
3. What are the differences between repentance, reconciliation, and restoration when it comes to moral failure in church leaders?
4. How can churches be proactive in creating an environment of safety and wholeness for both leaders and parishioners alike?