Tagged with porn addiction

Church Resources

From Porn to Preaching the Gospel, With Special...

663 views April 11, 2022

In six years, Joshua Broome became one of the most successful porn stars, appearing in more than...

Church Resources

SheSummit Interview with Sam Black and Crystal...

225 views September 07, 2020

Females struggle with porn too, so why do women who use porn feel so isolated and unusual?...


Do Women Look at Porn?

445 views August 04, 2020

Surveys show that porn use among women is on the rise, especially among younger generations of...


Fighting Porn Isn't Just a Religious Issue

119 views August 03, 2020

Christians and other religious individuals are widely known for opposing pornography for all...


Myth: Lads' Mags Don't Count as Porn

118 views August 03, 2020

In the UK they are called “lads mags.” In the U.S. they are called men’s “lifestyle magazines.”...


Myth: To Be Anti-Porn Is to Be Anti-Sex

486 views August 03, 2020

It is not uncommon today to hear people say they are for pornography, not necessarily because...


3 Ugly Facts About the Porn Industry

293 views August 03, 2020

Learn more at our website: http://cvnteyes.co/2pddRqt Dr. Sharon Mitchell co-founded the Adult...


Should We Call It Porn "Addiction"?

145 views August 03, 2020

There’s a big debate among medical professional when it comes to the terms we use to describe...


The Essential Reason Porn Is Wrong

407 views August 03, 2020

There are many reasons why people say we should avoid pornography. Some, for instance, will point...


8 Reasons Cosmo Is Dead Wrong About Porn

172 views August 03, 2020

Learn more at our website: http://cvnteyes.co/2pddRqt Cosmopolitan Magazine recently put out an...


Porn and Mental Health—10 Facts from the Experts

277 views July 28, 2020

To learn more about how porn effects your mental health download the free e-book Your Brain on...


Sex Week—7 Weird Facts About an Odd College Trend

135 views July 28, 2020

A strange trend is hitting college campuses called Sex Week. On one occasion I was invited to...